#!/bin/bash -f ###################################################################### # Artemis Nebula Puppy script, (C) 2015-2020 Nosey Nick Waterman, # https://noseynick.org/artemis/nebula/ # All wrong righted, all rights reserved. Licensed under thev GNU # Affero General Public License v3.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt # with Commons Clause https://commonsclause.com/ v1.0 ###################################################################### # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # No need to parse this when shellchecking: . ~/bin/conf.sh if [[ -z "$TOKEN" ]] || [[ -z "$CHAN" ]]; then banner 'no CHAN=[blah] or TOKEN=[blah] provided - will not send to discord' exit 9 fi nebula discord.sh [[ "$TESTCHAN" ]] && cat >>~/bin/banner <<__EOF__ echo "\$(date '+%F %T') $IP: \$*" | TEST=1 ~/bin/discord.sh --send __EOF__ banner Nebula server booting crontab - <<__EOF__ # m h dom mon dow command */2 * * * * ~/bin/banner \$(~/bin/load) >~/logs/uptime.log 2>&1 $(crontab -l | grep -Ev '^# m |uptime') __EOF__